Cu sprijinul Ambasadei Republicii Federale Germania la Bucuresti si al ALLVIEW a aparut editia a II a a cartii “Introducere in istoria designului” de Dr. Luminita Batali. Cartea se gaseste in reteaua Carturesti. https://carturesti.ro/carte/introducere-in-istoria-designului-1982769?t=a_related&p=3
Pentru toate liceele de arta din Romania (in limita a trei sute de exemplare) se ofera gratuit sase exemplare (trei pentru biblioteca, trei ca premii pentru copii). In acest scop, va rugam sa ne contactati la adresa de e-mail: info_ileana@yahoo.com
With the support of the Embassy of the German Federal Republic in Bucharest and of ALLVIEW, recently appeared the second edition of the book “An Introduction to the History of Design” by Luminita Batali PhD. The book can be found in “Carturesti” shops.
performance designer Yaron Abulafia has designed over 200 performances,
installations, concerts and TV shows internationally. He has designed for
Staatsballett Berlin, English National Ballet, Nederlands Dans
Theater, the Hungarian State Theatre of Cluj-Napoca in
Romania, Rambert Dance Company, Opera Ballett am Rhein Dusseldorf,
Compañía Nacioanl de Danza Spain and Ballet BC in Vancouver – to mention but a
The event will be held in English. http://www.zf.ro/ziarul-de-duminica/cu-adevarat-masterclass-de-luminita-batali-15218813
The laureate of the nationwide contest organized by our Foundation in 2008 and of the CEZ prize for lighting design - with PHILIPS support - the artist YARON ABULAFIA launches his book in Prague, on Monday, June 22nd. The book and the entire event are generously sponsored by ROBE lighting, with the support of: OISTAT, ALD (UK), DAMU (CZ), Institute of Lighting Design (NL) and Routledge (UK). The launch will be chaired by Nick Moran (Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, London).
In revista LIGEIA, nr. 129-132, Paris, 2014, a aparut, sub semnatura lui Mario Guastoni, o prezentare a cartii "Scenografia in Romania in secolul XX - aspecte".
A aparut, la Editura fundatiei noastre, cartea "Scenografia in Romania in secolul XX - aspecte", autor Dr. Luminita Batali. A intrat in 2013 in reteaua Carturesti.
La Institutul Italian de Cultura, cu sprijinul Fundatiei Ileana si al Biroului Notarial Monica Pop si Asociatii, a avut loc in perioada 18 iunie - 28 iunie 2013 expozitia "Nina Batalli" http://www.iicbucarest.esteri.it/IIC_Bucarest/webform/SchedaEvento.aspx?id=405. Au participat la vernisaj numeroase personalitati, printre care Dl. Ezio Peraro, directorul IIC, D-ra Gabriela Petre IIC, D-na Carmen Boroianu, Dl. Virgil Nitulescu, Dl. Radu Suciu IIC, s.a.
The LIGEIA review, Paris, France - Editor in chief, Giovanni LISTA - published, in the last issue, no. 105-106-107-108, January- June 2011 the study "Le modernisme dans la scénographie roumaine" - "The Modernism in the Romanian Scene Design" by Luminita Batali PhD. There are reviewed the scenographic works of Marcel Janco, Tristan Tzara, M.H. Maxy and George Lowendal. The study is also referring to collaborations of the previously mentioned artists with groups such as the famous Troupe of Vilna who was performing at the "Central Theater" in Bucharest, during the 20's. Some unknown pictures with costumes and scene designs by Marcel Janco, which have never been published before, illustrate the study. http://revue-ligeia.com/contenu.php
Miercuri, 9 februarie 2011, la Libraria Carturesti Verona a avut loc lansarea primei carti romanesti de istoria designului, autor Dr. Luminita Batali. Volumul, intitulat „Introducere in istoria designului” trateaza principalele fenomene istorice, miscari artistice si personalitati care au avut un impact decisiv asupra creatiei de design in secolele XVIII, XIX si XX cu urmatorul cuprins:
Revoluþia industrialã, Miºcarea Arts and Crafts, Art Nouveau, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Secesiunea vienezã ºi Atelierele vieneze,Peter Behrens ºi Deutscher Werkbund, Constructivismul, De Stijl , ªcoala de la BAUHAUS, Automobile, streamlining, motociclete ºi motorete, Materialele noi ºi influenþa lor asupra designului secolului XX, Spaþiul francez, Designeri americani, Spaþiul scandinav, Design în Germania dupã 1950, Design italian, „Britain Can Make It”.
Sunt evocate si analizate, intre multe altele, contributiile unor personalitati ca Peter Behrens, Le Corbusier, Marcel Breuer, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Alvar Aalto, Eero Saarinen, Charles Eames, Arne Jacobsen, Verner Panton, Philippe Starck, Achille si Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, Ron Arad, Jasper Morrison.
Participã lucrãri ale studenþilor: Alexandra MOTOC, Dana ANUSCA, Alexandra BACIU, Andreea BADEA, Alberto DUSE, Alina DUTA, Mihaela IBANESCU, Bianca MICU, Raluca PACIUREA, Andrei POPA, Ileana POPESCU, Rudolf VELICU. Data: 18 mai 2010 - 18 iunie 2010, VERNISAJ 18 MAI 2010 Ora: 18.00 Locul: Institutul Italian de Culturã din Bucureºti, Aleea Alexandru nr. 41 sector 1 Bucuresti o initiativa a Fundatiei ILEANA, in colaborare cu: UNARTE, sponsor DOTEL ALARMS cu sprijinul Cristal Brad intrare liberã On the 24th of November, at the Bucharest National University of Arts, in the Amphitheater, in the presence of H.E. Tanya van Gool and H.E. David Oren, of professors and students from UNARTE, UNATC and OAR, took place the Yaron Abulafia's conference "The Mimesis of Light Design / The Poetics of Light Design in the Contemporary Theater". After a coffee break - generously supported by TNUVA - the conference continued with discussions. Mr. Yaron Abulafia is PhD student at the Rijks Universiteit Groningen and won the first ever national contest of lighting design and the CEZ Prize with PHILIPS support for lighting design. www.yaronab.com The Ileana Foundation, the Henri Malineanu Foundation, with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and of the Israeli Embassy in Bucharest, invite you at the conference: "Mimesis of Light Design in the Contemporary Theatre/ Light in Post Dramatic Theatre" which will be presented by the laureate of the CEZ prize with PHILIPS's support for lighting design in 2008, YARON ABULAFIA - PhD student at Rijks Universiteit Groningen, in the Amphitheater of the Bucharest National University of Arts, Calea Grivitei no. 28, on the 24th of November at 11,30 a..m. Please confirm at info_ileana@yahoo.com