First of all we would like to thank to Mr. Virgil Stefan NITULESCU, PhD, Secretary of State, the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs, who encouraged and sustained our project. We would like also to express our thanks to the artists, to Mr. Bogdan DRAGOMIR, web designer, for his creative solutions, to Ms. Fabiana DIMA, painter, to the review OBSERVATOR CULTURAL, the first one in Romania which, on a regular basis, opened its pages to the scene design creation, to Ms. Aurelia MOCANU, art critic, redactor of the radio broadcast "Fine Arts", a constant promoter of scenography (and its history), to Eng. Ionut ARDELEANU PAICI, to Mrs. Maria ANDREI, PR CEZ. Without the support given by BULANDRA THEATER, COMEDY THEATER, ODEON THEATER, THE NATIONAL THEATRE BUCHAREST, the project would have had much many obstacles, and we thank them. And last but not least, we express our gratitude to Mrs. Dana COSTACHE-URSU, Mr. Malin MALINEANU, SC CONCEPT CONSULT AND PROSPECT SRL and to HOMEOPATHY CABINET - Dr. Bogdan NICULESCU for their support. Luminita BATALI, PhD Art historian Executive Director Ileana Foundation |