George Pogedaeff

The images are reproduced with the artist's approval.
Their unauthorized copying or reproduction is forbidden.
After studying art, POGEDAEFF GEORGE ALEKSEEVITCH 1897-1971 began to work as a decorator in the Intimate Theatre. Worked for theaters of Petrograd and Moscow (Bolshoi Theater). In 1920 immigrated to Romania. In Romania he worked in the National Theater in Bucharest. Moved to Prague where made decorations for Anna Pavlova’s theatre. In 1921-1924 lived in Berlin and Vienna, since 1925 - in Paris. Worked for the theatre "The Bat" of N. F. Balieva, decorated performances of the Russian repertoire in Madrid and Barcelona. In 1937 he began painting landscapes of Paris and Provence, as well as still lifes, and graphic portraits. He also illustrated works of Russian classical writers (N.V. Gogol, A.S. Pushkin, M.Y. Pushkin, M.Y. Lermontov, F.M. Dostoevsky, which remain unpublished.
(NB: most of the data above, after his Romanian period, was taken from the internet)

Bibliography :
„SCENA: ‘Neofitul şi Kolnik’ ” CONTIMPORANUL Nr. 62 , October 1925
“Teatrul” review, coord. Soare Z. Soare, Bucharest, 1923
“Istoria Teatrului în România” coord. S. Alterescu, vol. III, Editura
Academiei, Bucharest, 1973
MASSOFF, I. , “Teatrul românesc. O privire istorica” (vol. IV, V, VI) Editura pentru
Literatura, Editura Minerva 1961-1974
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