Agata Secelean
> The Artist's CV (PDF)

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The Night of the Assassins
"The Night of the Assassins"
by Jose Triana
directed by Marius Olteanu
„Sică Alexandrescu” Theatre, Braşov, 2004
Harap Alb
"Harap Alb"
by Ion Creangă
directed by Alina Hiristea
“Sică Alexandrescu” Theatre, Braşov, 2005
Two for the Seesaw
"Two for the Seesaw"
by William Gibson
directed by: Elena Manoliu
“Sică Alexandrescu” Theatre, Braşov, 2006
The Colonel and the Birds
"The Colonel and the Birds"
by Hristo Boicev
directed by Alexandru Dabija
„Sică Alexandrescu” Theatre, Braşov, 2007